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James Pagano
Aug 15, 2024
Converting Price to Value
When discussing price, context matters. Context is what allows us to convert price to value. In my practice, clients and I often have discu

James Pagano
Aug 29, 2023
PODCAST FEATURE: Stop Being Inflexible with James Pagano
James Pagano was recently featured in Ep 137 on the Builders Nuggets Podcast. Maybe you haven’t yet invested in a business coach, but...

James Pagano
Nov 30, 2022
It’s Your Turn to Embrace Feedback
As a leader you carry a multitude of responsibilities for your team: providing vision, strategy, direction, motivation, to include just a...

James Pagano
Oct 5, 2022
Now or Later? Timing It Right When Recruiting and Terminating
What is your level of agreement with the adage, “hire slow, fire fast”? Answering this question is one thing, but applying its principles...

James Pagano
Jun 7, 2022
What’s at your Core? A business cannot survive, never mind thrive, without core values
Core Values: The Heart of Your Small Business A recent exchange with a client-prospect went something like this… “I think I need to let...

James Pagano
Sep 16, 2021
The Backstory
That was a strange conversation. Why was she so abrupt and distant? Walking away from a recent conversation had me scratching my head and...

James Pagano
Apr 14, 2021
Start with the End in Mind
Entrepreneurs are gifted professionals. One could argue that to be an entrepreneur, you would need to be gifted in order to create,...

James Pagano
Mar 18, 2021
Client Spotlight with Ashley J Design
Ashley Jimenez talks about her business, overcoming professional obstacles and why she started working with a business coach. Tell us...

James Pagano
Feb 15, 2021
Energy and Time Management
Where does the time go? Here we are in the middle of February scratching our heads and wondering where the time has gone. Time flies (and...

James Pagano
Jan 21, 2021
How to get Coaching Clients - Video Interview
An interview with my colleague and fellow executive coach, Michael Neuendorff. We cover various topics related to running a coaching and...

James Pagano
Jan 14, 2021
Asking "What If" When Planning for 2021
Your 2021 Goals Are In Place…Now What?” It’s a new year and you have your new goals in place. Right? If you are like many entrepreneurs,...

James Pagano
Dec 15, 2020
The Value of Retaining Your Current Customers
Many businesses put a lot of time, money, and effort into chasing new customers. Although this is a key component to the growth of any...

James Pagano
Nov 12, 2020
5 Ways to Align Your Team’s Focus
In today's multitasking world, it is easy to get caught up in daily distractions. We find ourselves continually re-directing, re-aligning...

James Pagano
Oct 14, 2020
Optimize Your Business
Optimization is all about being more productive. It channels your ideas to even greater profitability.

James Pagano
Jul 9, 2020
Four Months. Four Walls. And a Four Day Escape.
Four New Walls. A simple idea that proved to be a solution to re-energize during this unprecedented time.

James Pagano
Jun 5, 2020
Strategic or Tactical?
Are you strategic or tactical? Don't get me wrong, a successful business needs both; strategies and tactics (among other things, of...

James Pagano
Jun 5, 2020
Navigating the Uncharted
As a business owner you are used to being pushed and tested every day. But these current conditions are like no other. Where do you focus...

James Pagano
Jun 5, 2020
3 Ways New Leaders Can Accelerate Their Success
As a new leader, you may be looking for help and guidance, but may be reluctant to ask. Others in your position often feel the same way....
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