In today's multitasking world, it is easy to get caught up in daily distractions. We find ourselves continually re-directing, re-aligning and re-focusing as we tackle our ever changing To-Do lists.
Effective leaders know that clarity is imperative in order for the team to deliver purpose-driven meaningful results. Your team’s confidence in you lies in the fact that you are providing them with clear direction toward your shared vision, strategies and goals.
Here are five ways to confirm an aligned team focus:
1. Focus on Customer Satisfaction
You are in business to attract, delight and retain customers. The simple truth is that the real
value of your business is directly correlated to your network of highly satisfied and loyal
customers. Make no apologies that your revenue and profits are tied directly to the people you do business with. But make no mistake, your service and products need to be exceptional.
Clients expect the best. You must make certain that ALL employees hear this rallying cry and
are focused on providing the best customer service possible; always striving for 5-stars with
every customer interaction.
2. Focus on Getting Results
Focus your team on achieving results. Establish a climate where activity is not confused with
productivity. Encourage problem-solving and insist that pursuing results is valued more than
busyness. Effective, intelligent, meaningful action is rewarded. As a leader, one of the most
important jobs you have is to establish a goal-oriented environment, with clearly defined
expectations of performance and accountability.
3. Focus on Continuous Improvement
If your company is not improving, it is declining. Therefore, establish a team culture where
continuous improvement and innovation thrive. Your team should not fear failure or mistakes.
Insist on continuous learning, and support your team's efforts as they strive for self-improvement. Focus should be on encouraging everyone to think and share ways to improve their role, responsibilities and contributions. Encourage and support your team to pursue being better every day.
4. Focus on the Long-Term
Everyone should know and understand that you are in business for the long haul. Share your
long-term vision openly and regularly. Do not be short-term oriented. Business is about
sustaining long-term relationships with customers, employees, investors, suppliers and advisers. A united team focus in this area will lead to a reputation that will exceed any short-sightedness and will prove invaluable to all involved.
5. Focus on Having Fun
Focus on making your business climate fun. Celebrate worthwhile progress toward goals. Celebrate your company's successes and reward your team for superior performance. Make coming to work meaningful and fulfilling. Share the wins.
Engaged employees want to continue to learn and grow. They want to be challenged and rewarded, have meaning in their work, and be informed of their progress.
Cultivate a culture that produces an enjoyable, desirable and sought after place to work.
Keep the focus.

Wishing you continued success!
James Pagano Business Performance Coach