About My Journey
When I was 16 years old my dad handed me the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People.
My dad was a big fan of Dale Carnegie; still is. He also embraced the work of many other leaders in personal and professional development, including Jim Rhone, Zig Zigler, Stephen Covey and Napoleon Hill. He’s a reader, and he has always impressed me with his insatiable habit of continuous improvement and his growth mindset.
I share this story to underscore where, when and how I was introduced to professional development. And, if you will allow me, I would like to share more about how I finally found my way into executive coaching.
Oh wait…back to the top of the page when I mentioned my dad handing me that book when I was 16. Guess what I did?
I put that book on a shelf until I finally came around to reading it when I was 24.
I guess I wasn't ready, even though my dad saw something in me that I didn't see in myself at the time. But once I did read that book, I was on my journey of life-long learning.
I believe as business owners, we all need to catch this bug. We need to evolve and be open to outside perspective so that we can experience growth and continuous improvement. The alternative, in my opinion, is pretty boring and uninspiring.
Professional Experience
My experience in business spans over 30 years, and includes involvement in small business, business ownership (this is the 3rd business I have owned) and various roles in corporate positions.
Fresh out of college I reluctantly started working for my dad in his business (who would want to work for their dad?). But it was there where I had access to a tremendous professional growth experience and where I witnessed firsthand what entrepreneurship and small business ownership looked like; including the highs and lows, the impact it can have on family, and the overarching freedom and financial leverage it can afford you.
It took me some time in my professional career, but as I ventured into other business experiences, I was able to reflect back and validate that entrepreneurship was in my blood. It was during those young formidable years, working for my dad’s business, that helped me understand that I was destined to be a small business owner as well.


Why Coaching As My Profession?
Well…interestingly enough, when I actually decided to pursue coaching as a professional practice, I didn't even know that’s what it was.
You see my exposure to professional and personal development throughout my career was in various formats…including plenty of reading, trainings, seminars, advisers, mentors…but rarely did I hear the word “coach” in a business context.
And I think many of my clients have similar experiences.
But as I dug in, I discovered business performance coaching as a remarkable discipline that quite frankly, is incredibly valuable. And yes, I embrace coaching for my own professional development, strategic planning, goal setting and accountability.
You see, my experience in corporate positions compared to my experience in small business also made me realize that many small business owners typically don't have access to coaching resources…or at least they don't know that these resources exist. There’s a gap in access to professional development, and it puts the small business owner at a tremendous disadvantage.
My practice is in place to help bridge that gap.
So, through my discovery process…and knowing first hand that the need is real…I ventured down the path to combine my small business ownership and corporate leadership experiences with various training and coaching certifications to be able to confidently do what I do.
I love being a resource to small business owners and company leaders, where we can work together on real challenges and opportunities. I offer an open and confidential forum where my clients can ask AND answer: What else? Where do we go from here? What’s next?
And that gives me tremendous satisfaction.
So, are you ready, or will you keep that book on the shelf?